Ear acupuncture (also known as Auricular acupuncture) can treat ailments anywhere in the body. It is a quick and easy treatment that is particularly good at reducing pain or stress levels . It can also be used in the treatment of addiction, depression, anxiety, insomnia and low energy.


At Source Point we use an Auricular protocol, which just means that everyone gets the same treatment of 5 needles in one or both ears, compared to the individually tailored treatments of the full body acupuncture. This means you don’t need a first consultation or diagnosis – you can just sit down and relax and let the needles do the work, for free.

When you arrive at Source Point take a seat in the reception area, one of the acupuncturists will come over to you to say hello and see how they can help. Just let them know that you’d like Ear acupuncture. they will give you an information form to read and sign and ask you to pop your name on the day’s ear acupuncture register. The acupuncturist will then put 5 tiny needles in one or both ears depending on your wishes. You can then sit there for as long as you wish: we recommend 20-40 minutes. Once you are ready to go, catch the eye of an acupuncturist, who will come over and remove the needles. You are then ready to go on your way!



This service is completely free of charge. Please come and use it as often as you like – and tell all your friends about it!